Metal Impregnated Carbon Graphite

Metal Impregnated
Carbon Graphite

Carbon-Graphite and graphite materials are porous after they are processed. Hence it is common to impregnate these materials with resin or metals to: increase their strength, increase the thermal conductivity, reduce the resistivity, reduce the porosity.

Different types of metals are impregnated for different effects, e.g: antimony is added to improve the friction and wear resistance characteristics of the carbon-graphite compound.

The difference between resin impregnation and metal impregnation one is, with metal-impregnation, the material is able to handle higher temperature and higher-pressure applications.

Technical properties of Metallic Carbon

Properties Unit of Measurement Values
Bulk Density g/cm3 2.3
porosity % <1.5
Flexure strength MPa 80
Compressive strength MPa 250
Young’s modulus GPa 24
Coefficient of thermal expansion 10-6/ok 4.2
Thermal conductivity W/mk 13
Temp limit (oxidizing atmos.) °C/°F 350/660
Temp limit (inert atmos) °C/°F 600/1110